Life is Good--Tales of my Life

Life is Good--Tales of my Life
In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, April 21, 2008

Scout Carnival

Saturday was the Scout Carnival for the city of Eugene. Kevin and the kids were all excited to go. Noah came in second for his age group.
This is the open class race for 3rd place. All the cars are ours. Anna was very disappointed she didn't win. Isaac was the one who came home with this trophy. Kevin was in awe of the track--says it's perfect. He said next year, he'll have to design cars for both tracks (for the stake track, which is need of help and the stainless steel perfect track), since they are so different.

They had an obstacle course for the kids. Here they had to move the boards as they crossed and continue making bridges in order to finish.

This one was harder than they thought. In fact Kevin took a video of them giving up and quitting.

The monster trucks are always fun. Abby thought it was so cool to fit in the tire. (The bag of chips she's holding is from being brave when she got lost. She went up to a lady in uniform, told her her name and that she was lost. Kevin said when he went racing in looking for her, he felt as though everyone was giving him the evil eye. I think all the kids have been lost now at one time or another.)

Isaac in the tire.


Mary Child said...

Congrats to Noah; looks like you guys had a ball. Kim, Isaac is ADORABLE! I love the picture at the top of your blog... what a cutie pie.

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

Fun times! Good job on the cars and glad that Abby getting lost wasn't too traumadic.