Life is Good--Tales of my Life

Life is Good--Tales of my Life
In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, February 11, 2008

Update on the Stoddard Going Ons

It has been a frantic week and I haven't been very good at posting anything lately. So I will try to catch up on what's been going on. My mother went to the emergency room last week and was misdiagnosed and ended up being admitted to the hospital on Friday. I just go the new she gets to go home. That helps me breathe easier. It is very hard to be so far away and not be able to see for myself that she is OK. She had a Diverticulitis attack and it was very painful for her. When my mom called and told me she was going to go to the hospital, Abby overheard and asked me who was taking Grandma. When I told her that Jodi and Bob were, she immediately was concerned for her cousins, Maggie and Olivia and demanded to know who was going to watch them. I thought that pretty good thinking for a 4 year old. To be honest, I hadn't gotten to thinking who would be watching the girls yet. For the next two weeks mom has to be on a clear food diet and then slowly move to a soft food diet. I can't imagine that kind of diet, but if I hurt like she does maybe I could do it. As I have mentioned earlier, I am making sock monkeys. I do one at night in bed as I am watching some Hallmark Movie (When will the strike end??????) and it keeps me from eating my way into oblivion. So far I have made about 20. Here's a picture of some of them that Kevin artfully arranged.
On Thursday we celebrated the Chinese New Year. I made some Chinese Noodles, Fried Rice, Egg Rolls and got the kids some chicken on a stick. If Kevin had been home, I would have done the all out meal. The kids love Chinese and gobbled it up.

Anna loves this fried rice and could eat it every day. I really should make it more often. It's one of our favorite ways to use up leftovers.

These two little guys made the long journey from our house to my sister's house. I made them for my nieces and sent them matching socks to go with (Kevin's idea). It's fun to see these monkeys take shape. Each one had a unique personality. This brown one was so darling. My neice Maggie loved it so much she wants to make one for each of her friends. I am trying to work it out so that I can go and spend the weekend up in Seattle with mom and show the girls how to make a monkey.

Saturday my friend's husband was so good as to extract 2 broken teeth from Kevin's mouth and perform a root canal. It was so generous of him to give of his time and services. Thanks to Rob for all his hard work!!!!


Alifinale said... have been busy with those sock monkeys! I am sorry about your mom and hope she will start feeling better soon. And the Chinese dinner looks delish.

Cindy said...

To answer your question yes we put an offer on a lot and we are waiting to hear back sometime this week. You are going sock monkey crazy girl. They are very cute. I wish I was in Oregon to celebrate Chinese New year's with you that food looked so good. Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she gets better soon.

arah said...

Hey what are you going to do with all those sock monkeys? I want to come to your house to eat. You always make good food, but I am sure it's not WW approved. We make that exact same rice every once in awhile. It's one of Brinley's favorites.

kim said...

I am not 100% sure as to what I am going to do with a houseful of monkeys. My sister is interested in some. They will be wrapped up and given away as birthday and various other gifts. Some are just too cute to give away. I am also trying to get one done for every cousin in the family which is around 25. I don't really care as long as they keep me from Ben and Jerry's at night.

As for the food, I try to keep it healthy. But I really try and watch what I eat during the day so I can have a normal, smaller portioned dinner.

Mary Child said...

Oh My Gosh Kim, that's an intense week between hospitals and root canals... Stress! Maybe the sock monkeys help you relieve some, 'cause you seem to be handling it all pretty well. I am SO ENVIOUS of your cooking abilities. My kids love Chinese too, but they've never had it from anywhere but a restaurant. Maybe if I spent more time in the kitchen and less time at concerts I could be super mom like you! Oh, and I hear ya, WHEN WILL THE STRIKE END? (But, Hallmark movies are good for getting the water works going, just so you know you can still cry)!!! I'm so glad to be in touch again Kim; You are awesome!