So I had a hard time sleeping last night and I was up at 4 watching t.v., flipping channels. The Discovery Channel was showing the Birth Day show. I think I see my doctor who delivered Anna, so I stop and watch for a bit. It is in Seattle, it is my doctor, but what's bizarre is it is Burke Burkhardt's wife giving birth. There's Ann taking pictures and we even got to share a phone call to Br. Burkhardt. This was a boy my sister used to babysit, a boy we watched grow up in the ward, pass the sacrament, go on a mission. Haven't seen him in years and then I see his wife give birth???? Bizarre!!!! (and to be honest, not really how I would have liked to have seen his wife for the first time)
Jon's Medical service trip to Guatelmala- March 2011
10 years ago
Shut up. That is so bizarre! Havent seen the Burkhardts in so long.
Last month on an esisode of Dr. Phil I was watching, this guy from my old everett singles ward was a guest on there and i about died....
Your house is really cute by the way :)
That is so crazy! I've not yet had the experience of seeing someone I know on TV. Kim, I loved catching up on your blog- sounds like your trip was great (I LOVE "The Chuck" & I too would always think Barf-A-Rama which us why I long ago nick-named it). I'm so envious of your kids- they're growing up faster than mine & you're already done with diapers and potty training forever! Glad you're back...
Wow! I'm glad to hear Burke went on a mission...didn't know that part. But, last year, I was watching one of those "birth shows" on TLC or Disc Health and saw Burke's dad- Dr. Burkehardt delivering someone's baby. I had to do a total double-take and was fixated on the show. It was crazy to see someone you know on T.V. like that! So, since his dad was on one of those shows before, I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised that Burke would be, too...although I personally wouldn't want my mother in law there taking pictures, let alone, the ENTIRE WORLD seeing me deliver a baby--it's just not a pretty sight. Wow, though. I would have loved to see it!
That is crazy! And I must agree, not the kind of way you'd like to meet someone the first time. I haven't seen the Burkhardts in years. I think Anne & Mark were in Florida for a while and then Montana, but who knows where now.
One day when I as down at BYU a kid stopped me and asked if I knew who he was. I had no clue. It was Garrett Hyde. Remember the Hyde family? I hadn't seen him since babysitting him. Craziness!
i saw that show a couple of years ago, it was very strange, so was the fact that burke burkhart lived on burke st. in burke virginia on his mission, no joke, i remember seeing an address on one of nicks old letters from him.
NO WAY! I can't believe it was them! That is weird, I always wondered what happened to those guys. Well, I guess it is good to hear they are doing well, in a round about sort of way!
Silly me, I just realized I had mistaken Bro. Burkehardt with Dr. Blackham...I'm sure you all realized that already since Bro. Burkehard isn't a's been way too long for me to remember everyone's names. But still all a crazy thing to see them on T.V.
Oh, but Liz's comment made me laugh...way too many "Burke's" to be a coincidence, if you ask me.
Liz has a good story about Dr. Blackham when she was pregnant with Stephan.
Dr. Blackham delivered Maggie when Jodi went into labor and had to go in before scheduled.
I wonder why women are willing to be videoed for t.v. while giving birth.
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