I have mentioned in earlier posts that I watch American Idol and I would like to know how many of you are really voting for this guy??? I will grant that he can do a few folksy songs, but to have made it this far.... Really????? I so preferred that cute boy from Australia. I am ready for him and Brooke to go. Anyone else agree with me????
Jon's Medical service trip to Guatelmala- March 2011
10 years ago
Oh how I can't stand Jason Castro. He really is painful to watch. I was a big Brooke fan at the beginning (mostly because she is a Mormon girl from Mesa) - but I was totally ready to let her go this week. I like her style but she isn't versatile and her voice isn't amazing. Plus, her rambling is kind of annoying.
I think Jason must be on vote for the worst because seriously...why is he still on?
sorry, Kim, I don't watch American Idol. I can't do it. I can watch the first few episodes when they sing crappy, but I just can't get into it.
Yep, completely. It will come down to the two Davids in the finale. I hope David Archuleta wins. It will give him such great opportunities that I don't think he would have otherwise. And it leaves Cook free to get signed do his own thing. Just like Daughtry.
i actually really like this guy's voice, he is always on key and very mellow, kind of soothing. I don't think he will win the whole thing, but i would definatly enjoy listening to what he would do with his own album. i'd like to see a new hairdo though. it's nice to have variety on the show, i'm tired of big booming black girl voices quite honestly.
So there!
It's embarrassing to admit, but I still don't know anything about American Idol. Except that the Simon guy is supposed to be a big jerk.
I'm still watching re-runs of Gilmore Girls (that might be MORE embarrassing). And I recored "A haunting", "I shouldn't be alive", and "Cold Case Files".... no time for anything else!
Sorry, never heard him, so I can't really comment. Maybe people just like the dreads.
I dont mind him, although BROOKE IS NAUSEATING!!!! I was seconds away from doing an 'I hate brooke' post until i saw this. Thankyou Kim, thankyou!!
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