Since I can never say no to being tagged and I read my friend Sonnet's blog, here goes:
What is his name? Kevin Russell
How long have you been married? 11 1/2 years
How long did you date? about a year
How old is he? He turns 43 on March 8th
Who eats more? Kevin out eats my whole family easily.
Who said "I love you" first? Kevin, which he reminds me of constantly.
Who is taller? Kevin
Who sings better? Yikes! Neither one of us carries a tune, next question please!!!
Who is smarter? I am of course. Silly question.
Whose temper is worse? Mine, but I do get credit for keeping most of my mean thoughts in my head now.
Who does the laundry? Kevin
Who does the dishes? Me, during the week. Kevin on the weekend. Clarification--he just does the dishes, I clean the counters and all that. He is getting better though.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me, and in the middle and on the left until Kevin comes home. One day I will have my own bed.
Who pays the bills? Me and the online bill pay.
Who mows the lawn? Kevin, but I do a nice job when I have to.
Who cooks dinner? Unless you want pancakes or grilled cheese and tomato soup for the rest of your life, me.
Who drives when you are together? Me, I am much happier when we get somewhere that way. A control issue, I know.
Who is more stubborn? I prefer the word determined. And I think that says it all.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Kevin, I am too prideful.
Whose parents do you see the most? We have always lived closer to mine, so mine.
Who proposed? Kevin
Who has more friends? I do, but most of them live far away and not by many. Kevin and I have discussed this and come to the conclusion we suck at making friends.
Who has more siblings? Kevin has 6 and I have 1
Who wears the pants? I tend to be more forceful and controlling, but I would like to think it's a joint effort. Since we have 2 households it is more me right now. Probably is always more me and I just don't want to admit it.
You all know the rules. If you are reading this, tag you are it.
Jon's Medical service trip to Guatelmala- March 2011
10 years ago
Makes me laugh to hear you talk about how stubborn you are. You crack me up, good thing you two are a good balance.
Alright Kim, one of these days I'll get around to doing the Husband Tag since yours is the 3rd one I've read! So thanks for the compliment on my last post. I am COMPLETELY envious of your Domestic Diva skills, so it's good there's a mutual admiration between us! I sure wish you were closer Kim- I think I would've gotten really tight with you if I'd had the chance!!!
kim!! i am so glad you posted a comment on my blog! i love the fact that we have the same background although your like a pro at this blogging thing compared to me. i just barely got mine up because neal gave me a hard time about it. i love your little monkeys i need something to keep me from eating everything in site too.i loved your husband tag comments. you two are so awesome i wish we could just sit down for a night and have some good laughs. i can't believe how big your kids are especially anna wow!
thanks again for commenting i wasn't sure anybody ever would and i'm glad you wew the first
love, lyd
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