The rules were simple: Clean their rooms, the family room, the living room and their bathrooms. What I got was,weeping, wailing gnashing of teeth, yelling, screaming, tattling, whining, cajoling, tattling and bribery.
Let it be known, I am not the one yelling, screaming or crying. I told them over an hour ago, if they did this we could go to Target ( a great reward at out house). So I have decided that if you want them, you can have them. With Anna, you will get pre-teen anxiety and moodiness. You will also get some backtalk and rolling of the eyes. The life is so hard and not fair attitude is a guarantee. According to the experts, this is all normal.
With Noah you will get a chatterbox and an easily distracted boy. He is scary smart and it will be a challenge to keep ahead of him. He has been trained and does not get his feelings hurt if you ask for 5 minutes of quiet.
With Isaac you get a happy go lucky boy that doesn't want to do any sort of chore. When the weather gets nice, you will most likely have to go search the neighborhood for him. He should have been born 40 years ago when times were safer. Although he is 5 he still throws himself and stomps his foot when he doesn't get what he wants.
With Abby you get sassy and bossy wrapped up in a deceptively cute little girly. She is either happy or mad, not much in between. And believe me, you want the happy because mad is not pretty.
Of course we have been taught our whole life that without the bad you could not recognize the good. So in that same vein, you couldn't recognize peace without the chaos and you couldn't appreciate the giggling with out the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.
With Anna you get a sweet, helpful, want to please everyone (when in the mood or if you aren't her parents) girl. She is an incredible helper with Abby and loves to play with her. She loves to dance and listen to music. She is also at her happiest when at the mall (I know, not always a good thing for everyone, but since I love to shop it is a definite plus). She has a strong love of the gospel and is my reminder to hold F.H.E. and family prayer.
With Noah you get a sweet sensitive boy who finds wonder and awe in the world around him (he thinks you should too). He is forever asking questions (not sure if that's good or bad) and has unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He loves to learn the scripture stories and loves the heroes in them.
With Isaac you get a carefree boy who loves to laugh and hang out with his older brother. He loves the outdoors and playing sports. He likes to sing (especially in the bathroom). He enjoys seeing other people happy and delights in their joys.
With Abby you get a child who tells you she loves you every other minute and means it. She loves to pretend, dance and sing. She loves the primary songs and the prophet. She adores her older sister. She, too, has a love of shopping. If ever I forget to say prayer with her at night, she is very quick to come and remind me.
All in all the good outweighs the bad, so I guess I will keep them. But I will continue to be grateful for bedtime and occasional weekends at my mom's. Things have quieted down now and that could be a scary thing. So I will end this rant and make sure everything is OK. Thanks for listening.
Jon's Medical service trip to Guatelmala- March 2011
10 years ago
Kim- do you remember me? Becky Wilson from Spokane? I just started blogging and I am having fun finding old friends. It is so fun to read what is going on in your life- your interactions with your kids are CLASSIC- I am not quite as experienced at motherhood as you are- but I am starting to get a taste! You are amazing- and it will be fun to keep in touch! Check out my blog at
Nice tease, so you decided to not sell them after all. I guess that its better that way. Oh bedtime...that is a happy time.
Okay, it's not even that late, but I'm so tired that apparently I've lost the ability to type now. My last comment wasn't even readable. So, I was trying to say, OH MY GOSH! I can't believe how much Anna looks like you! That picture looks like you shaved 20 years off yourself and put a hat on. Way back in the good ol' days (in Spokane!) I never noticed how much Anna looked like you b/c your kids have always had Kevin's coloring, but WOW. Anna is YOU! Now how do you plan on keeping the boys away from Little Miss Pretty?
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