Life is Good--Tales of my Life

Life is Good--Tales of my Life
In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a quiet Thanksgiving with just us this year. We frosted turkey hand cookies in the afternoon and feasted in the evening. Here are the kids working on their turkey hands. Quickly thrown together pilgrim hats.

This is how we will do turkeys next year. Cutting out each hand turkey took to long!

Abby very pleased with her work.

Isaac was quite happy as well. There is actually cookie under there!!

Anna was not happy with hers and only posed after being threatened.

Noah's was too heavy to lift without breaking.

We had a great long weekend. We played charades and other games. We cleaned up the house and the front yard, visited with friends, slept and ate lots of good food.


Kerri said...

Mmmmmm......chocolate covered marshmallows........I want one right now! I hope Abby has a very special and happy birthday! Please tell her I love her and give her a big hug and a kiss from me!

Airi said...

You guys alway have such great ideas for cookies...yummy!!! I'm gonna try to be better at that! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Did you receive my message on your phone..I'm wondering if it is the right number? Let me know. And I wanted to talk to you about Rhonda's passing.

Mary Child said...

We had a quiet Thanksgiving too; it was nice. Sometimes I really appreciate the break from extended-family-chaos, and cooking for my own family is so much less stressful than cooking for lots of people!

You guys always do the cutest family activities; I'm such an impatient mom, we don't do much of the hands-on stuff. I need to take a cue from you and start planning more "together" time with my kids. Looks like you had a great time!