Anyone who knows me, knows that I love lists. I make a to do list continually throughout the day. There are few better feelings than crossing something off my list! But somedays it seems like the list is eternal and there is no way humanly possible to get it all done. Especially before a big trip. My question is, how do you know you've done enough if everything isn't crossed off the list? And can you sleep at night if it's not?
Here is an example of my To Do's:
1.Help kids get ready and off to school
2.Take medicine (I have to put it on the list otherwise I forget)
4.Get Abby ready
5.Clean the diningroom/entry (my sewing room at the moment)
6.Clean the livingroom
7.Clean the eating area from breakfast (and if I am honest, some of last night's dinner--depending on the day)
8.Clean kitchen from making lunches and anything else that needs to be cleaned
9.Do a load of laundry
10. Take a few minutes to work on sewing projects while waiting for Isaac's bus
11.Fix lunch
12.Run any errands that need to be done--grocery store, Target, etc.
13.Work on sewing projects a few more minutes while kids have snack and do homework/talk about their day
14.Work on bedrooms or bathrooms--whichever is worse
15.Take Anna to soccer
16.Fix dinner, maybe relax for 5 minutes
17.Pick up Anna
18.Eat dinner--but quick, Scouts starts in 15 minutes
19.Take Noah to scouts
20.Clean up after dinner
21.Get smaller kids ready for bed
22.Pick up Noah
23.Have treat, brush teeth, and tuck kids in
24.If I have energy this is where I work on sock monkeys or read and watch t.v--and yes I do both at the same time.
Ahhhh, the life of a mother!!!!
Jon's Medical service trip to Guatelmala- March 2011
10 years ago
i only have one child to worry about and it still feels like i have days like this.
I might not be such a basket case if I learned to utilize the simple art of list making! I use lists occasionally for trips to the store, but never for organizing my day... thanks for the tip. Glad to know I'm not the only overwhelmed mom out there!
that is exactly my kind of typical day (with a few trips of doggie excersise thrown in). I don't dare write it all down, the list looks way too long, which would deter me from doing any of it!
Hey Kim! I was given this website to get in touch with you by Penny. She informed me that Jen Webb had you on her blog spot. I don't have a site for you to go to.....still hiding from my birth mom and some others.:) I would love to be back in touch with you though. Hopefully you remember me.
You have a beautiful family. Looks like you have 4 kids. I just had my fourth last December. It was a blessing for us to be able to carry him to term.'s me Ari-Ariana Hudson now Ariana Bell. My e-mail address is I hope you remember me and to hear from you.
Wow, Arianna i forgot what i was going to say about your post...stop doing so much and take more breaks :0 thanks for the post suggestions...
Wow, maybe I'll reconsider having 4 kids...just kidding. You've always been so busy, always things going on. I'm more of a "bump on a log" kinda person, I think.
Just wanted to let you know that Elika succomed to the peer pressure & started up a blog. Her link is on my blog. :)
P.S. Say Hi to Airi and the kids~
oh and Happy Easter!
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